Effects of alternating monocular deprivation on binocular responses. A–D, OD distributions for cells recorded from mice subjected to various manipulations of their visual experience. Conventions as in Figure 2. A, ND mice; 150 cells were recorded from six hemispheres in five animals.B, AltMD. Mice were initially deprived of vision in one eye from P22 or P23 to P29, then subjected to daily AltMD for 7–12 d; 257 cells were recorded from the hemisphere contralateral to the initially deprived eye in five mice. C, Contralateral MD; 130 cells were recorded from the hemisphere contralateral to the deprived eye in five MD mice deprived from P28 to P32. D, Ipsilateral MD; 91 cells were recorded from the hemisphere ipsilateral to the deprived eye in five MD mice.