Fig. 3.
Dopamine (top) and serotonin (bottom) efflux during the final hour of exposure to ethanol liquid diet (DEPENDENT) or equicaloric control diet (NONDEPENDENT and ETHANOL-NAIVE) and a subsequent 8 hr withdrawal period. Data are presented as mean ± SEM percent of basal values across sets of three successive 20 min samples collected at 2 hr intervals [*p < 0.01; different from basal (Time 0) levels]. Insets, Mean ± SEM DA (top) and 5-HT (bottom) dialysate concentrations in DEPENDENT, NONDEPENDENT, AND ETHANOL-NAIVE rats. The concentration data correspond to prewithdrawal baseline (time 0) and 7–8 hr withdrawal points of the percent of baseline data above. Ethanol withdrawal was associated with a significant reduction in dialysate levels of both DA and 5-HT [*F(1,23) = 23.02, p < 0.001; **F(1,21) = 13.46, p < 0.0001. Different from respective DEPENDENT prewithdrawal baseline (BSL); simple effects ANOVAs]. Note also the persistent elevation in basal DA output in NONDEPENDENT, ethanol-acclimated rats [+p < 0.05; different from both DEPENDENT and ETHANOL-NAIVE baseline (BSL)].