Fig. 4.
Fit of EJCs from the gm8 muscle. In bothA and B, the upper dotted line is the result of a linear sum of single-spike responsesK1, with no amplitude factor included. Theopen circles are data points, and the solid curve is the prediction using the functionsK1, K2, andF plotted in the bottom row of graphs. These fits were the end result of a gradient-descent training session based on data that included the sequence shown. A, Over the entire data set, the r.m.s. error in the prediction of the peak EJC amplitude was 1.9 nA, corresponding to a 9% relative error.B, Stimulation of another synapse at higher frequency. In this case, the r.m.s. error in the prediction of the peak EJC amplitude was 1.2 nA, corresponding to an 8% relative error.