Fig. 5.
Inferior alveolar nerve (IAN)-evoked activity of a TGT neuron during sleep and waking states. The first four traces represent 10 sec epochs of EEG,EOG, PGO, and EMG activity characteristic of wakefulness (W), quiet sleep (QS), and active sleep (AS) and re-awakening (RW). The vertical calibration bars to theright of each trace (EEG, EOG, PGO, EMG) correspond to 50 μV. Bottom, Five overlaid oscilloscope traces illustrate the spike discharge evoked by low-intensity bipolar electrical stimuli (asterisks) applied to the IAN (0.2 msec, 100 μA, 1 Hz). Poststimulus histograms (PSTH) were constructed from 50 consecutive responses. Thenumber above each histogram indicates the mean evoked activity (in spikes per stimulus ± SE). Note that in this neuron, IAN-evoked activity decreased by 16% during QS and 26% during AS compared with W. In addition, the amplitude of the IAN-evoked extracellular field was also decreased (see Cairns et al., 1995).