a) Protein abundance of Crm1, Kap95, Kap60, Kap104 and Kap121 as measured in whole cell extracts of yeast cells of increasing replicative age. Data from
Janssens et al. (2015). (
b) (
c) Localization of Crm1 (b) and Kap95 (
c) during replicative aging to the nucleus relative to the cytosol (N/C ratio). The line indicates the median, and the bottom and top edges of the box indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively. The whiskers extend to the most extreme data points not considered outliers, and the outliers are plotted individually. Non-overlapping notches indicate that the samples are different with 95% confidence. The overall changes were thus not significant, although we note that based on a two-tailed Student’s T-test the N/C ratio for Kap95 is significantly increased after 15 hr (p=8.7×10
−4). No significant correlation was found with age (Crm1: r = 0.15, p=0.09 and Kap95: r = 0.07, p=0.39), or lifespan (Crm1: r = 0.04, p=0.63 and Kap95: r = 0.11, p=0.16). Number of cells analysed at time points 0 hr, 15 hr, and 30 hr were for Kap95 = 155, 165, 72 and for Crm1 = 156, 138, 87. (
d) Heatmap representation of changes in N/C ratio of Crm1-GFP (N = 134) and Kap95-GFP (N = 132). (
e) Protein abundance of 507 proteins with the Gene Ontology term ‘nucleus’ as measured in whole cell extracts of yeast cells of increasing replicative age. Data from
Janssens et al. (2015). This set of proteins provides an unbiased proxy of changes in total import. The median, average or summed abundance of these nuclear proteins does not change in aging. (
f) Protein abundance of 13 known cargos of Kap60, Kap121, Kap104 and Crm1 and 17 additional proteins interacting with Kap121/Kap123 (based on
Timney et al., 2006) as measured in whole cell extracts of yeast cells of increasing replicative age. Data from
Janssens et al. (2015).