a) Representative micrograph and (
b) 2D class averages of the 5’ ETS RNP. (
c) Manual inspection of 2’750 collected micrographs resulted in 2’592 micrographs of good quality used to extract 275’080 particles picked with gautomatch. These particles were subjected to 3D classification with varying numbers of classes. Particles from boxed out classes (180’275 particles combined) were used for 3D refinement. A subsequent 3D classification with seven classes resulted in a single class (52’629 particles) with better-resolved features in the periphery of the RNP, which yielded a reconstruction at 4.3 Å. (
d) Overall and local resolution estimation of the 5’ ETS RNP. An FSC value of 0.143 is indicated. RELION-3 (
Zivanov et al., 2018) was used to estimate local resolution. A volume filtered to the local resolution is shown. (
e) UtpB model (left) with subunits colored and labeled, and the corresponding density fit of the model with local resolution color-coded (right).