Fig. 3.
||B1|| maps with a GL phantom without (a) and with (b) the InkNet. Arrows indicate location of the three largest peak values of ||B1|| as three locations in the GL phantom expected to undergo the highest temperature rise. Each ||B1|| peak was mapped to the closest electrode location of the InkNet registered to the GL phantom. (c) Schematic representation of the 256 electrode locations on the head. The bottom of the image corresponds to the back of the head. The three largest ||B1|| peaks for the GL phantom alone were around Cz and on top of the head (electrodes #8, #44, and #81 marked with red circle), whereas the three ||B1|| peaks for the GL phantom with the InkNet were around the neck (electrodes #111, #120, and #208 marked with blue circle) where the leads are bundled.