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. 2019 Jun 14;5(1):e000536. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2019-000536

Table 1.

Demographic details and medical emergency response knowledge of survey respondents (n=191)

Item Responses n Valid responses (%)¶
Sex Male 89 49.2
Female 92 50.8
Missing 10
Age (years) 18–24 6 3.3
25–34 15 8.3
35–44 22 12.2
45–54 61 33.7
55–64 42 23.2
65+ 35 19.3
Missing 10
Health provision role Yes 39 21.5
No 142 78.5
Missing 10
Highest level of education achieved Primary/secondary school 57 31.5
Certificate or advanced diploma 50 27.6
Bachelor’s degree 35 19.3
Graduate certificate or diploma 21 11.6
Postgraduate degree 18 9.9
Missing 10
Sport* Team ball 67 35.1
Racquet 65 34.0
Target 18 9.4
Stick/bat 11 5.8
Individual athletics/running† 7 3.7
Wheeled non-motor 6 3.1
Horse 6 3.1
Other‡ 28 14.7
Club/facility location Metropolitan—one location 51 26.7
Metropolitan—multiple locations 32 16.8
Regional—one location 65 34.0
Regional—multiple locations 38 19.9
Other 5 2.6
Participants’ role in club/facility† Manager/committee/board/administration 143 74.9
Participant 60 31.4
Parent 35 18.3
Coach 24 12.6
First aid provider 11 5.8
Team manager 9 4.7
Facility manager 8 4.2
Other 11 5.8
Previous training with an AED Yes 83 43.9
No 105 55.6
Can’t remember/missing 3 0.5
Knowledge of SCA I know someone personally who experienced SCA 30 15.9
I have witnessed someone experiencing SCA 18 9.5
Both of the above 25 13.2
Neither of the above 111 58.7
Other§ 5 2.6
Missing responses 2
Have you ever used an AED in an emergency? Yes 9 4.8
No 180 95.2
Missing responses 2

*Multiple responses were possible.

†Parkrun, orienteering, athletics.

‡Combat, snow sports, multiple sports, wheeled motor sports, aircraft and other activities.

§Includes cardiac arrest survivors and clinical staff working in emergency care.

¶Valid responses includes only those participants who provided a response to that question.

AED, automated external defibrillator; SCA, sudden cardiac arrest.