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. 2019 Jun 11;10:1340. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01340

Table 1.

Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for within-rater pairings across the 5 trial blocks (10 possible pairings).

p-value of test of agreement across judgments within rater
Rater 1–2 1–3 1–4 1–5 2–3 2–4 2–5 3–4 3–5 4–5
1 0.349 0.006 0.013 0.009 0.108 0.108 0.108 0.779 0.689 0.507
2 0.779 0.283 0.424 0.083 0.859 0.991 0.180 0.968 0.018 0.14
3 0.108 <0.001 0.002 0.034 0.062 0.349 0.689 0.083 0.002 0.507
4 0.924 0.424 0.227 0.018 0.779 0.507 0.062 0.998 0.507 0.507
5 0.283 0.140 0.001 0.083 0.083 <0.001 <0.001 0.507 0.108 0.689
6 0.227 0.140 0.062 0.108 0.991 0.859 0.689 0.689 0.968 0.349
7 0.013 0.006 0.507 0.596 0.779 0.349 0.083 0.108 0.013 0.689
8 0.025 0.227 0.083 0.083 0.968 0.046 0.034 0.349 0.283 0.779
9 0.507 0.424 0.004 0.004 0.006 <0.001 <0.001 0.424 0.424 0.924
10 0.596 0.068 0.689 0.013 0.09 0.968 0.018 0.284 0.848 0.227
11 0.859 0.006 <0.001 <0.001 0.034 <0.001 <0.001 0.006 0.001 0.859
12 0.859 0.227 0.924 0.083 0.596 0.998 0.227 0.349 0.779 0.227
13 0.018 0.006 0.025 0.227 0.001 0.227 0.025 0.046 0.001 0.034
14 0.779 0.283 <0.001 <0.001 0.507 0.009 0.001 0.083 0.034 0.424
15 0.001 0.108 0.002 0.083 0.507 0.14 0.283 0.424 0.596 0.596
16 0.596 0.424 0.507 0.859 0.859 0.968 0.859 0.779 0.779 0.968
17 0.924 0.689 0.003 0.034 0.424 0.002 0.034 0.006 0.002 0.046
18 0.349 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.108 <0.001 0.034 0.034 0.507 0.227

One hundred nineteen out of 180 comparisons (61%) of the 5 within-rater trials were not significantly different (p >0.05). In these cases, raters made judgments of imitativeness consistently across rating blocks. The remaining 39% of the comparisons (shaded in gray), however, showed significant differences across ratings [χ2(9) = 143.32, p < 0.001], suggesting raters changed their decision patterns for ratings of imitativeness across the five trial blocks.