Detection of Anti-VV and -B5R Antibody in Serum
(A) Whole-VV antigen-coated wells were incubated with 4-fold serial dilutions (×32, ×128, ×512) of 5 human sera (patients 221, 183, 195, 175, and 214) or control immunized rabbit IgG. Antibody response was detected by measuring optical density at 405 nm (OD405) after incubation with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated rabbit anti-human IgG (SouthernBiotech) and substrate. (B) Purified B5R protein-coated wells were incubated with the same serial dilutions of human serum and secondary antibody shown in (A), and antibody response was detected as described above. (C) Whole-VV antigen-coated wells were incubated with 4-fold serial dilutions (×4–4,096) of serum from monkeys immunized with high (001, 002, and 003) or low (005, 006, and 008) doses of VV or from mock-immunized monkeys (004, 007, and 009). Antibody response was detected after incubation with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-monkey IgG (Abcam) and substrate. (D) Purified B5R protein-coated wells were incubated with the same serial dilutions of monkey serum shown in (C), and antibody response was detected as described above. Data in (A)–(D) are presented as means ± SD (n = 2).