A–E: effects of exercise on pAS160Ser704/AS160 in each fiber type [I (A), IIA (B), IIB (C), IIBX (D), and IIX (E)] from from immediately postexercise (IPEX) and time-matched sedentary (SED) rats. Open bar: SED group; filled bar: IPEX group. *IPEX versus SED: type I, P < 0.05: IIA, P < 0.01; IIB, P < 0.001; IIBX, P < 0.001; IIX, P < 0.05. Data were analyzed by Student's t-test. Values are means ± SE; n = 6–8 per group. Representative blots and loading controls ([myosin heavy chain (MHC)] are included for each fiber type.