Fig. 3.
Representative micro-CT reconstruction of the renal microvascular (MV) architecture (one per animal from a n = 7 per group) and quantification of MV density and intrarenal MV media-to-lumen ratio from normal, renal angioplasty and stenting (PTRAs) and PTRAs+ elastin-like polypeptide-vascular endothelial growth factor (ELP-VEGF)-treated pigs. Intrarenal ELP-VEGF at PTRAs improved cortical and medullary vascular density in the stenotic kidney. Effect of PTRAs+ELP-VEGF on MV architecture (A) and quantification in renovascular disease (RVD)+PTRAs versus RVD+PTRAs+ELP-VEGF-treated animals (B). C: effect of PTRAs with and without ELP-VEGF treatment on media-to-lumen ratio, a measurement of MV remodeling. †P < 0.05 versus RVD+PTRAs. *P < 0.05 versus Normal.