Figure 3.
Mean (±SE) of the effects of E. alsodes isolates A1 versus A2 on presumably residential versus alien plant hosts from two Poa alsodes populations, North Carolina (NC) and Pennsylvania (PA) placed in HWHN, HWLN, LWHN, LWLN treatments. Fungal isolates were artificially inoculated in naturally uninfected seedlings. Residential for the NC population, A1 isolate, represents the only E. alsodes infection observed there in P. alsodes. A2 isolate represents one of two Epichloë species found in the PA population and thus, it may be considered residential for this P. alsodes population. There were 11–13 plants randomly assigned per treatment for each symbiotum combination. Asterisks indicate significant differences (p < 0.05, one‐way ANOVAs), and for suggestive differences p‐values are provided