Evolutionary scenarios tested through the ∂a∂I procedure with two‐population divergence (a) and three‐populations divergence (b) cases. In (a), the first row represents the basic scenarios: strict isolation (SI), isolation with migration (IM), ancient migration (AM), secondary contact (SC). The second row represents the same scenarios plus population growth (SIG, IMG, AMG, SCG), the third row shows scenarios allowing heterogeneous migration rate along the genome (IM2 m, AM2 m, SC2 m) and the fourth row details the more complex models with both population size change and heterogeneous gene flow (IM2 mG, AM2 mG, SC2mG). In (B) are described the four tested models of hybrid speciation (HS, HSp1, HSp2, and HSp2) and the two tested models of secondary gene flow (SGF1 and SGF2)