Characterization of the 14 non-motion clusters or activity states. LAntSposZ, averaged pos strength z-scores over left anterior hemisphere, LPosSposZ, averaged pos strength z-scores over left posterior hemisphere, LTempSposZ, averaged pos strength z-scores over left temporal lobe, RAntSposZ, averaged pos strength z-scores over right anterior hemisphere, RPosSposZ, averaged pos strength z-scores over right posterior hemisphere, RTempSposZ, averaged pos strength z-scores over right temporal lobe, BrainstemSposZ, averaged pos strength z-scores over brainstem. Anterior region includes functional rois (frois) in medial and lateral prefrontal and insular cortex, posterior region includes frois in the parietal and occipital lobes thalamus, caudate, pallidum, putamen, temporal region includes frois in lateral and medial temporal including hippocampus and amygdala) and brainstem includes all brainstem frois.