Table 1.
Intervention functions | Definition |
Education | Increasing knowledge or understanding |
Persuasion | Using communication to induce positive or negative feelings or stimulate action |
Incentivisation | Creating expectation of reward |
Coercion | Creating expectation of punishment or cost |
Training | Imparting skills |
Restriction | Using rules to increase the target behaviour by reducing opportunity to engage in competing behaviours |
Environmental restructuring | Changing the physical or social context |
Modelling | Providing an example for people to aspire to or imitate |
Enablement | Increasing means/reducing barriers to increase capability (beyond education and training) or opportunity (beyond environmental restructuring) |
Policies | |
Communication/marketing | Using print, electronic, telephonic or broadcast media |
Guidelines | Creating documents that recommend or mandate practice. Includes changes to service provision |
Fiscal | Using the tax system to reduce or increase the financial cost |
Regulation | Establishing rules or principles of behaviour or practice |
Legislation | Making or changing laws |
Environmental/social planning | Designing/controlling the physical or social environment |
Service provision | Delivering a service |
Adopted from Michie et al. with permission from authors [29]