Available treatment geometries for coplanar and non-coplanar radiotherapy. An upper limit on treatment plan quality can be determined by distributing a large number of beams over the full (a) non-coplanar or (b) coplanar space. Other techniques shown are: (c) coplanar VMAT, (d) coplanar IMRT, (e) coplanar IMRT with optimized beam orientations, (f) non-coplanar IMRT with optimized beam orientations, (g) static couch non-coplanar VMAT, (h) non-coplanar trajectory VMAT tracing the great circles around the patient, and (i), non-coplanar trajectory VMAT visiting nine optimized beam orientations. BAO, beam angle optimized, equivalent to BOO in this review; IMRT, intensity modulated radiotherapy; SnS, step and shoot, a type of IMRT delivery; VMAT, volumetric arc therapy. Reprinted from Wild et al32 with permission from John Wiley and Sons, © American Association of Physicists in Medicine.