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. 2019 Feb 1;92(1097):20180688. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20180688

Table 3.


Study LC % OS %
1 year
Median OS (months) Median PFS (months) Toxicity scale Acute toxicity G ≥ 3 % Late toxicity G ≥ 3 %
Barney et al. 201224 Crude: 100 73.0 NR NR CTCAE vs 3.0 0.0 Biliary stenosis: 8.3
Liver failure: 8.3 (G5)
Ibarra et al. 201223 NR 45.0 11 4.2 CTCAE vs 3.0 7.0 0.0
Jung et al. 201422 1y: 85.0,
2y: 72.0
2y: 20.0
10 NR CTCAE vs 4.0 0.0 Cholangitis: 8.6
Biliary stenosis: 1.7
Gastric perforation: 1.7
Gastric ulcer :1.7
Kopek et al. 201026 1y: 84.0 NR 10.6 6.7 CTCAE vs 3.0/World Health Organization Nausea: 3.7
Pain: 7.4
Liver enzyme: 55.5
Gastroduodenal ulceration: 22.2
Duodenal stenosis: 11.0
Mahadevan et al. 201520 1y: 88.0 58.0,
2y: 31.0
17 10 NR 0.0 Duodenal ulceration:5.9
Liver abscess:1.7
Polistina et al. 201125 NR 80.0
2y: 80.0
b 35.5 30.0 CTCAE vs 3.0 0.0 0.0
Sandler et al. 201619 1y: 78.0
2y :47.0
2y: 33
15.7 16.8 CTCAE vs 4.0 Duodenal stenosis: 3.2 Duodenal stenosis: 6.4
Duodenal hemorrhage:10.3
Pain: 3.2
Shen et al. 201718 Crude: 89.3 57.1
15 11 CTCAE vs 4.0 0.0 0.0
Tse et al. 200827 NR 58.0 15 NR CTCAE vs 3.0 Liver Enzymes:20.0
Transient biliary obstruction: 20.0
Bowel obstruction: 10.0
Welling et al. 201421 NR 83.0 (1) NR NR SAEs Cholangitis: 5.0
Dehydration: 7.0
Palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia: 43.0 Diarrhea: 14.0
Wound infection post-surgery: 14.0

CTCAE, common terminology criteria for adverse events; G, grade; NR, not reported; OS, overall survival; PFS, progression free survival; SAEs, Serious Adverse Events.

(1): in six transplanted patients.


Median local progression free survival.


calculated from time of diagnosis.