Table 1.
Emergency setting of respondents' practices across different groups.
All groups | BCS | RES | GPE | GPG | P-value | |
Emergency service during regular business hours only | 108 [14, 12–17] | 1 [1, 0–3] | 1 [2, 0–8] | 0 [0, NA] | 106 [57, 50–64] | <0.0001 |
Emergency service during regular business hours and on call service after hours | 89 [12, 9–14] | 10 [5, 3–8] | 1 [2, 0–8] | 0 [0, NA] | 78 [42, 35–49] | <0.0001 |
Emergency clinic or service open after regular business hours only | 40 [5, 4–7] | 4 [2, 1–5] | 1 [2, 0–8] | 35 [12, 9–16] | 0 [0, NA] | <0.0001 |
Emergency clinic or service open 24 hours and able to hospitalize patients | 222 [29, 26–32] | 33 [15, 11–21] | 13 [19, 11–30] | 176 [59, 53–64] | 0 [0, NA] | <0.0001 |
Emergency/critical care center with board certified emergency clinicians and technicians | 303 [39, 36–43] | 166 [77, 71–82] | 53 [77, 66–85] | 84 [28, 23–33] | 0 [0, NA] | <0.0001 |
University practice | 178 [23, 20–26] | 89 [41, 35–48] | 49 [71, 59–80] | 28 [9, 7–13] | 12 [7, 4–11] | <0.0001 |
BCS, board-certified specialists in emergency and critical care and/or anesthesia; RES, residents in emergency and critical care and/or anesthesia; GPE, general practitioners in emergency practice; GPG, general practitioners in non-emergency environment; NA, non-applicable. Number of respondents is expressed as count [percentage of group total, 95% confidence interval]. P-value refers to differences among all groups.