Table 2.
Population characteristics of groups of respondents.
Characteristic | All groups | BCS | RES | GPE | GPG | P-value |
Number of respondents | 770 [100, NA] | 216 [28, 25–31] | 69 [9, 7–11] | 299 [39, 35–42] | 186 [24, 21–27] | <0.0001 |
Age [years, mean ± SEM] | 37.7 ± 0.3 | 41.1 ± 0.6 | 31.9 ± 1.0 | 37.4 ± 0.5 | 36.6 ± 0.6 | <0.0001 |
Female respondents | 554 [72, 69–75] | 160 [74, 68–80] | 54 [78, 67–86] | 219 [74, 68–78] | 121 [65, 58–72] | 0.09 |
Number of veterinarians in the practice [median, first (Q1) and third quartile (Q3)] | 12, Q1 = 5 Q3 = 28 | 25, Q1 = 15 Q3 = 50 | 46, Q1 = 20 Q3 = 60 | 10, Q1 = 6 Q3 = 20 | 3, Q1 = 2 Q3 = 5 | <0.0001 |
Respondents with caseload consisting of more than 50% emergencies | 408 [53, 49–56] | 137 [63, 57–70] | 45 [65, 53–75] | 214 [72, 66–76] | 12 [7, 4–11] | <0.0001 |
Respondents that are personally performing CPR 6 or more times/year | 476 [62, 58–65] | 170 [79, 73–84] | 54 [78, 67–86] | 213 [71, 66–76] | 39 [21, 16–27] | <0.0001 |
Respondents with size of resuscitation team of 4 or more. | 458 [60, 56–63] | 193 [89, 85–93] | 63 [91, 82–96] | 167 [56, 50–61] | 35 [19, 14–25] | <0.0001 |
BCS, board-certified specialists in emergency and critical care and/or anesthesia; RES, residents in emergency and critical care and/or anesthesia; GPE, general practitioners in emergency practice; GPG, general practitioners in non-emergency environment; NA, non-applicable. Characteristics are expressed as number of respondents [percentage of group total, 95% confidence interval] unless stated otherwise. P-value refers to comparisons among all groups.