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. 2019 Jan 23;73(4):295–302. doi: 10.1136/jech-2018-211133

Table 2.

Multilevel growth curve models of body mass index and associations with the number of years since childbirth, green space quantity and quality, adjusted for confounding

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Fixed part Coefficient (SE)
Intercept 25.976 (0.190) 26.588 (0.308) 26.004 (0.196) 26.610 (0.318)
Years since childbirth (mean centred) 0.444 (0.039) 0.442 (0.039) 0.448 (0.039) 0.442 (0.039)
Years since childbirth2 0.012 (0.004) 0.012 (0.004) 0.008 (0.004) 0.012 (0.004)
Years since childbirth3 −0.006 (0.002) −0.006 (0.002) −0.007 (0.002) −0.006 (0.002)
Mother’s age (mean centred) −0.020 (0.018) −0.019 (0.018) −0.020 (0.018) −0.019 (0.018)
Indigenous status (ref: no)
 Yes 2.726 (0.694) 2.775 (0.694) 2.726 (0.694) 2.782 (0.693)
Highest qualification (ref: postgraduate)
 Undergraduate 0.198 (0.119) 0.197 (0.119) 0.197 (0.119) 0.197 (0.119)
 Year 11–13 0.062 (0.159) 0.061 (0.159) 0.064 (0.159) 0.060 (0.159)
 ≤Year 10 0.068 (0.197) 0.064 (0.197) 0.068 (0.197) 0.066 (0.197)
 Other −0.460 (2.055) −0.414 (2.055) −0.449 (2.055) −0.432 (2.056)
Economic status (ref: employed)
 Economically inactive 0.166 (0.052) 0.166 (0.052) 0.165 (0.052) 0.165 (0.052)
 Unemployed −0.065 (0.120) −0.065 (0.120) −0.065 (0.120) −0.067 (0.120)
Area disadvantage (ref: affluent)
 Average 0.023 (0.066) 0.020 (0.066) 0.021 (0.066) 0.020 (0.066)
 Disadvantaged −0.023 (0.084) −0.030 (0.084) −0.025 (0.084) −0.031 (0.084)
Remoteness (ref: major cities)
 Inner regional 0.278 (0.274) 0.127 (0.280) 0.275 (0.274) 0.129 (0.280)
 Outer regional or remote 1.041 (0.323) 0.888 (0.328) 1.038 (0.323) 0.890 (0.328)
New birth (ref: no)
 Yes 0.158 (0.068) 0.158 (0.068) 0.161 (0.068) 0.159 (0.068)
Sibling(s) present (ref: no)
 Yes −0.193 (0.092) −0.194 (0.092) −0.190 (0.092) −0.197 (0.092)
Green space quantity (ref: <5%)
 6%–10% −0.425 (0.368)
 11%–20% −0.688 (0.317)
 21%–40% −0.857 (0.330)
 ≥41% −0.797 (0.406)
Good quality parks (ref: do not agree)
 Agree 0.126 (0.103)
 Strongly agree −0.028 (0.055)
Green space quantity × good quality parks (ref: <5%)
 ≤5% × agree −0.026 (0.103)
 6%–10% × disagree −0.561 (0.392)
 6%–10% × agree −0.417 (0.377)
 11%–20% × disagree −0.696 (0.338)
 11%–20% × agree −0.709 (0.327)
 21%–40% × disagree −0.910 (0.353)
 21%–40% × agree −0.870 (0.339)
 ≥41% × disagree −0.588 (0.431)
 ≥41% × agree −0.873 (0.414)
Random part Variance (SE)
 Level 3: area (SA2) 2.010 (0.392) 1.892 (0.384) 2.006 (0.393) 1.898 (0.384)
 Level 2: mother 26.969 (0.688) 26.988 (0.688) 26.964 (0.688) 26.975 (0.688)
 Level 1: time 3.952 (0.045) 3.952 (0.045) 3.951 (0.045) 3.951 (0.045)
−2*log likelihood 94 605.73 94 597.52 94 602.97 94 592.90

SA2, Statistical Area 2.