Figure 3. Western diet feeding caused focal cardiomyocyte remodeling characterized by sarcomeric disorganization and mitochondrial swelling that was prevented by volitional exercise.
Representative transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of left ventricular tissue from WD fed mouse (WD) and WD fed mouse treated with exercise (WD+Ex). Left panel showing WD fed mouse (WD) with focal cardiomyocyte remodeling characterized by disordered sarcomeres (S) interspersed with swollen electron lucent mitochondria (dark arrows). Alongside this abnormal cardiomyocyte, is a more normal appearing cardiomyocyte with organized sarcomeres and small, electron dense mitochondria (light arrows). Right panel showing WD fed mouse treated with exercise that shows absence of cardiomyocyte remodeling with well-organized sarcomeres (S) and normal appearing small electron dense mitochondria (light arrows). (N, highlights nuclei. Cap, denotes capillaries, V, indicates vein. Magnification X1,000; bar = 2 μm.)