Figure 3. Identification and validation of 3′UTR-independent and 3′UTR-dependent BIRC3 protein interactors.
(A) Experimental set-up: HEK293T cells are grown in heavy and light SILAC media, transfected with GFP-BIRC3-LU and GFP-BIRC3-SU, pooled, immunoprecipitated using GFP-trap, and co-IPed proteins are analyzed by MS.
(B) Interactors are classified as 3′UTR-independent (shared by BIRC3-SU and BIRC3-LU; log2 LU/SU ratio <0.585; grey) and long 3′UTR-dependent (BIRC3-LU-enriched; log2 LU/SU ratio >0.585). See also Table S2.
(C) Gene ontology enrichment score from interactors identified in (B). Red dotted line is cut-off for enrichment.
(D) Western blot validation of endogenous BIRC3 interactors. 3′UTR-independent (grey bar) and 3′UTR-dependent (green bar) BIRC3 protein interactors identified by GFP co-IP in HEK293T cells after transfection of constructs from Figure 1E. 1% of input was loaded.