Initially, the numbers of Xtot and Ytot are approximately equal and, as time goes on, cells are differentiated into either of X-dominant or Y-dominant compositions. For D = 0 (A), the system is unstable: only X-dominant cells (for this run) dominate (ii) and finally, cells cannot continue growth. For D = 0.001 (B) and 0.01 (C), the system is stable; X and Y fragments coexist in each cell with unequal population (i). Here, the asymmetry between the major and minor fragments gets smaller as D increases. In addition, the two types of cells, X-dominant and Y-dominant cells coexist with the equal population (ii). As D increases further [D = 0.02 (D)], the system gets unstable and only either of X or Y remains (ii). The parameters are VDiv = 1000, Ncell = 100, kf = kb = 1, and kx = ky = 1.