Effects of temperature, oxygen fugacity, and timing of initial
differentiation on the mantle 182W anomaly (red circles and lines)
and fHf/W (blue triangles and lines) for one example
Earth analogue, with simultaneously varying equilibration depths chosen to match
the mantle W abundance. Left panel: Results of changing the equilibration
temperature, expressed as a deviation from the liquidus of Andrault et al. (2011). Center panel: Results of
changing the initial oxygen fugacity at which embryo and planetesimal
compositions are calculated at the start of the model. Right panel: Results of
changing the time at which embryos and planetesimals first differentiate with
respect to the Hf–W system, either at the onset of the
N-body simulation (solid line) or when they experience their
first impact (dotted line) (e.g., Nimmo and
Agnor, 2006), the effects of which are a function of the fraction of
incoming metal that equilibrates, k. Labels indicate the depth
of equilibration, expressed as a fraction of the core–mantle boundary
pressure. Equilibration with three times the impactor’s silicate mass,
k = 0.4, and initial oxygen fugacity of IW–3.5 were
used except as noted.