Fig. 2.
Simulated water T1 and T2 bias from fat using MRF sequences. This simulation used the variable TE MR fingerprinting (MRF) sequence with the proposed fat-water separation (MRF-varTE), as well as the fixed TE (MRF-fixTE) and fixed TE/variable TR MRF sequence (MRF-varTR) without fat-water separation. The simulated signals were fully sampled without blurring effects, noiseless and matched against a water-only dictionary for fat signal fractions (FSF) from 0.0 to 1.0 in increments of 0.05. The T1 bias (a-c) and T2 bias (d-f) for five listed T1/T2 combinations as a function of fat signal fraction (FSF) are shown. MRF-fixTE is in-phase with the main methylene peak of fat whereas MRF-varTR is approximately opposed phase. Water T1 and T2 bias in the proposed method (a, d) occur only when water is entirely absent (FSF = 1.0) and is otherwise zero. The T1 positive bias is so large for the MRF varTR sequence (c) that it is saturated due to the maximum T1 used in this study (3000 ms).