(A-D) BMDCs were treated with C2 (1 mM) or C4 (0.5 mM) for 2 days, and the expressions of BAFF (A), APRIL (C), ALDH1a1 (D), and ALDH1a2 (E) was analyzed by qRT-PCR and normalized against GAPDH. BAFF production in supernatants was analyzed by ELISA (B). (E) Splenic B cells were cultured for 5 days with BMDCs with or without C2 (1 mM) or C4 (0.5 mM) in the presence of TACI-Ig (5 μg/ml) or/and LE135 (10 μM), and IgG production were determined by ELISA. One representative of three independent experiments was shown. The data were expressed as mean ± s.e.m. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.