(A, B) Representative images (A) and numbers of primary organoids per gastric crypt (B) of PPARD and WT mice with and without GW501516 treatment (n=5 per group). BF indicates bright field light.
(C) Representative villin and CD44 immunostaining images of organoids described in panel A and B.
(D) Villin-positive cells (villin+) sorted by flow cytometry from gastric organoids of PPARD and WT mice.
(E) Representative primary gastric organoid images and precentage of tdTomato-marked gastric organoids at day 10 of culture for gastric organoids that are derived from LSL-tdTomato; villin-cre; PPARD (td–PPARD) mice and their WT LSL-tdTomato; villin-cre (td-WT) littermates (n=3 per group).
(F) Tumor formation by subcutaneous injection of primary gastric organoids, derived from PPARD mice and WT littermates (14 days after injection). Representative tumor images, tumor weights, and H&E-stained sections are shown.
(G-I) Flow cytometry–sorted villin-positive (villin+) and villin-negative (villin−) cells of primary organoids, derived from PPARD mice, were examined for PPARD and CD44 protein expression (G) , and secondary organoid formation (H), and tumor formation by subcutaneous injection of secondary organoid cells derived from sorted villin+ and villin− cells from PPARD mice, and sorted villin+ cells from control WT mice into syngeneic mice was assessed at 14 days after injection (I).
Scale bars, 200 μm (A [top]), 100 μm (A [bottom], C, E, F [bottom], H, and I [bottom]), and 5 mm (top for both F and I).