FIG 6.
Associating variations in microbial functional gene structure with environmental variables. (a) CCA based on selected environmental variables. A total of 7 environmental factors (U, pH, redox, Se, O2, DIC, and DOC) were selected from 41 measured variables. The top two axes (CCA1 and CCA2) were included and accounted for 50.7% and 13.8% microbial functional gene structure variation, respectively. (b) Partial CCA-based VPA assigning variance to U, pH, and DOC. The value inside each colored circle indicates the fraction of variance assigned to that variable alone. Asterisks show level of significance of test in partial CCA: *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01. The value by the solid black line indicates the variance assigned to the interactive effect of the two connected variables. The value inside the dashed triangle indicates the variance assigned to the interactive effect of all three variables.