Table 1.
Major studies deciphering the role of AS in protein diversity in humans and plants using different technique.
Study | Organism | Major technique used | Conclusion | References |
Stochastic noise in splicing machinery | Humans | Computational analysis | Most AS is a consequence of stochastic noise in the splicing machinery, and has no functional significance | Melamud and Moult, 2009 |
Assessing the contribution of alternative splicing to proteome diversity | Plants | Computational analysis | AS contributes to transcriptome diversity but its contribution to protein diversity is limited | Severing et al., 2009 |
Isoform-specific recruitment to polyribosomes | Humans | Frac-Seq | Addition to translation AS plays role in sequestration and mRNA-decay | Sterne-Weiler et al., 2013 |
Assess the role of AS in proteome diversity | Humans | Computational analysis | Most genes have a single dominant isoform at the protein level, whereas homologous exons have important cellular roles | Abascal et al., 2015 |
Expression of protein coding gene isoforms at protein level | Humans | Computational analysis | Most highly expressed gene have single dominant isoform represented at the protein level | Ezkurdia et al., 2015 |
Ribosomal-engaged landscape of AS transcripts | Humans and mouse | Ribo-Seq | Majority of splice variants are translated into proteins | Weatheritt et al., 2016 |
Tunable protein synthesis by transcript isoforms | Humans | TrIP-Seq | Alternatively spliced isoform levels effects translation output | Floor and Doudna, 2016 |
AS mediated expansion of protein interaction capabilities | Humans | ORF-Seq and PPI | Large number of alternative isoforms in the human proteome are “functional alloforms” | Yang et al., 2016 |
Transcriptome survey and contribution of AS toward proteome diversity | Plants | RNA-Seq and Ribo-Seq | AS increases protein complexity, however, its contribution is lower in plants as compared to humans | Yu et al., 2016 |
Impact of AS on human proteome | Humans | RNA-Seq and SWATH-MS | IR reduces the protein diversity but fine-tunes the human proteome functionality | Liu et al., 2017 |
Relationship between AS and protein complexity | Humans | Computational analysis | Majority of alternatively spliced transcripts may not be translated into proteins | Tress et al., 2017a |
AS contribution in transcriptome and proteome diversity in Physcomitrella patens | Plants | RNA-Seq and qRT-PCR | AS has a small effect on proteome diversity but shapes the transcriptome | Fesenko et al., 2017 |