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. 2019 Jun 12;10:707. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00707



Features that affect the conservation of AltD and AltA between closely related plant species. (A,B) The portion of conserved AltD/AltA decreases with the distance between authentic and alternative splice site (SS) between two species. (C,D) The percentage of conserved AltD/AltA which the nearest alternative 5′/3′ SS generates transcripts with same or different open reading frame (ORF) between species. (E,F) The portion of conserved AltD/AltA decreases with changes in the distance between authentic SS and nearest inter-GT/AG sites between two species. (G,H) The percentage of conserved AltD/AltA in which that the nearest inter-GT/AG generates transcripts with same or different ORF between species. Nat, N. attenuata; Sly, Tomato; Ath, A. thaliana; Aly, A. lyrata. The asterisks indicate the significance as determined by Fisher’s exact test (P < 0.05).