Detection of tumors in NOG mice transplanted with HeLa cells spiked into hMSCs. The cohorts inoculated HeLa cells spiked in 106 and 107 hMSCs cells were observed for 16 weeks, respectively. The relationships between the cell dose and the tumorigenic incidence of HeLa spiked in 1.0 × 106 (a) and 1.0 × 107 (b) hMSCs cells in NOG mice are presented (n = 6 in each group). Representative images from histology and immunohistochemistry analyses of subcutaneous tumors in NOG mice formed by transplantation with 1.0 × 104 HeLa cells mixed in 1.0 × 106 hMSCs suspended in Matrigel (c, d, and e). Serial sections were stained with H&E (c), HLA antibody (d), and Vimentin antibody (e) (magnification, 100×; scale bars, 500 μm).