Loss of ets21c Prolongs Lifespan but Renders Flies Sensitive to Stress
(A–D) Representative confocal images of 6- and 30-day-old w1118 (A and C) and ets21cΔ10 posterior midguts (B and D). ISCs/EBs are labeled with an esg-GFPYB0232 protein-trap reporter. Arrows indicate cells with strong (ISC/EB, blue), weak (pre-EC, green), or no (EC/EE, gray) esg-GFPYB0232 signal in aging midguts. Immunostainings label cell membranes (Arm) and EEs (Pros). DAPI stains nuclei.
(E) Quantification of cells per confocal image field that shows strong (ISC/EB, blue), weak (pre-EC, green), or no (EC/EE, gray) esg-GFPYB0232 expression in 30-day-old w1118 and ets21cΔ10 posterior midguts. Data represent means (SDs); n = 13–17; ∗∗∗p < 0.0001.
(F) Percentage of survival of w1118 (n = 200) and homozygous ets21cΔ10 (n = 314) adult females over time (mean difference of 4 days).
(G) Percentage of survival of w1118 (n = 100) and homozygous ets21cΔ10 (n = 120) adult females fed with 5 mM PQ (mean difference of 52 h) or mock solution (w1118 n = 40; ets21cΔ10 n = 60).
(H) Percentage of survival of adult females overexpressing ets21cWT (n = 60; mean difference of 36 h) and ets21cRNAi (n = 80; mean difference of 31 h) in ISCs/EBs (esgTS) compared to control flies fed with PQ (n = 80) or mock solution (n = 80).
(I) Percentage of survival of adult females overexpressing ets21cWT (n = 80; mean difference of 31 h) and ets21cRNAi (n = 80; mean difference of 23 h) in ECs (Myo1ATS) compared to control flies fed with PQ (n = 80) or mock solution (n = 40).
Lifespan and survival curves represent one of two to three independent experiments. Statistical significance was determined by log rank test; ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001.
Scale bars: 50 μm.
See also Figure S5.