The absence of d-alanylation (dltB negative) leads to reduced URT inflammation. (A) Number of neutrophils determined by flow cytometry (CD45+, CD11b+, and Ly6G+ events) in URT lavage fluids obtained from WT (T4S)-inoculated or isogenic dltB-negative construct-inoculated pups at age 7 days. Values are ±SEM (n = 8 to 11). (B) Gene expression in pups colonized with the dltB-negative mutant relative to that in WT strain-inoculated pups at age 7 days, as measured by qRT-PCR, for the chemokine/cytokine shown. Values are ±SEM (n > 10). (C) Colonization density in URT lavage fluids obtained at age 7 days, with the median values being shown. *, P ≤ 0.05; n.s, not significant.