Subcellular localization of transiently expressed EYFP::XopR fusion protein in Nicotiana benthamiana (left panel), and in onion (right panel). a Empty vector (without XopR) showing non-specific localization. b XopR::EYFP fusion protein showing localization only on cytoplasmic membrane; c DAPI-stained nuclei, d superimposed images of (b) and (c). A. tumefaciens EHA 105, which mediated T-DNA transfer of XopR::EYFP was infiltrated at 1.0 OD600 nm. Samples were observed by confocal microscopy 3 days after infiltration. EYFP fluorescence was shown in yellow; DAPI-stained nuclei was shown in blue. The emission and excitation for DAPI-stained samples were 461 nm and 368 nm, respectively; and for EYFP-tagged samples were 568 nm and 514 nm, respectively. Scale bar 25 µm