Figure 4: Cell monolayer rheology.
(a) Schematic of the experimental setup. (b) Deformation-controlled amplitude sweep: the Young’s modulus exhibits a decrease in cell stiffness with increasing oscillation amplitude at a constant frequency of 0.5 Hz. (c) Frequency sweep: cell shear modulus increases with increasing frequency at a constant shear deformation of 0.02 as a power law with exponent β=0.065 (n = 8). Error bar represents standard deviation. (d) Creep experiments at different applied stress (insert). The creep compliances follow power laws. Exponents decrease with increasing stress from ~0.1 to 0.01 (data not shown). (e) Deformation-stress curves obtained from cyclic stress ramp experiments. We apply different rates of stress increase (insert). For low rates, the deformation-stress curves exhibit nonlinear hysteresis (left x-axis, upper curve), which vanishes at high rates (right x-axis, lower curve).