Specifications table
Subject area | Ecology |
More specific subject area | Dietary and foraging ecology |
Type of data | Tables |
How data was acquired | Gut contents of seahorses were obtained by flushing method, while sediments used for the study of benthic fauna were manually sampled by three replicate cores. Organisms were counted and classified at the major taxa level of taxonomic discrimination using a stereomicroscope (after extraction from sediments and algal fragments in case of benthic organisms). Statistical analyses were performed using PRIMER v6 + software. |
Data format | Raw and analyzed |
Experimental factors | Gut contents of 83 individuals of Hippocampus guttulatus and samples of benthic fauna from three different habitats at Taranto Mar Piccolo were analyzed. |
Experimental features | Taxonomical identification of the ingested prey from gut contents and potential prey from benthic faunal samples to determine diet of H. guttulatus and investigate the differences in the diet composition respect to the prey availability in different habitats. |
Data source location | Taranto Mar Piccolo, Southern Italy |
Data accessibility | Data are included in this article |
Related research article | F. Ape, G. Corriero, S. Mirto, C. Pierri, T. Lazic, M. Gristina. Trophic flexibility and prey selection of the wild long-snouted seahorse Hippocampus guttulatus Cuvier, 1829 in three coastal habitats. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci., 224, 2019, 1–10. |