Figure 3.
Intron removal from some isoacceptor tRNAs has weak effects on expression of the corresponding tRNAs. Northern blotting of tRNA levels in the wild-type (W) and intronless (Δ) strains. Small RNA fractions (2.0 μg each) were analyzed by TBE-based urea-PAGE/northern blotting for each tRNA isotype. The expression level of a major tRNA, tRNAAsp, was used as an internal control. The upper bar graph shows quantification of the northern blotting data. The amount of a tRNA species shown in the graph bottom was first normalized by that of tRNAAsp, and is expressed as relative abundance where the normalized amount of each tRNA in the wild-type strain is set to 1. Data represent the mean plus standard deviation (error bar) of at least three biological replicates. The lower images show a set of typical northern blotting images of the RNA in question (upper) and the control tRNAAsp (lower); *, P < 0.05 and **, P < 0.001 by Student's t-tests.