Pathway and functional annotation. (a) IPA analysis showed that the differentially
expressed proteins in HDAC3-overexpressing CGNs are associated with cell-to-cell
signaling and interaction, cellular assembly and organization, and cellular function
and maintenance. Fifteen out of the 21 identified proteins are involved in this
network. Green color shows downregulation by HDAC3 while red color represents
upregulation. The color intensity indicates the degree of protein level change. Solid
lines in the network indicate direct interactions between proteins and dashed lines
imply indirect interactions. Geometric shapes represent various general functional
protein groups (diamond for enzyme, oval for transcription regulator, trapezoid for
transporter, inverted triangle for kinase, double circle for complex/group, and circle
for others). Proteins in white shapes are not part of our data set but have
relationships with our proteins in the network. (b) Top IPA canonical pathways
targeted by HDAC3 in CGNs are presented. These pathways were ranked according to their
−log (P value) (blue bars). A ratio (orange square)
indicates the number of identified proteins found in each pathway over the total
number of proteins in that pathway. (A color version of this figure is available in
the online journal.)