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. 2019 Jun 10;58(4):227–275. doi: 10.1080/00173134.2019.1594357

Table V.

Pollen morphology of extant Picrodendraceae.

  Androstachys johnsonii Aristogeitonia gabonica Aristogeitonia lophirifolia Aristogeitonia monophylla Aristogeitonia perrieri Hyaenanche globosa Mischodon zeylanicus
P/E ratio Spheroidal to oblate Spheroidal to slightly oblate Spheroidal to slightly oblate Spheroidal to slightly oblate Spheroidal to slightly oblate Spheroidal to slightly oblate Spheroidal to slightly oblate
Outline in polar and equatorial view Elliptic to circular to slightly angular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular
Equatorial diameter including echini (LM) 34–38 27–31 25–29 32–36 27–29 32–39 32–38
Equatorial diameter including echini (SEM) 33–36 26–28 25–28 32–34 25–29 30–38 32–37
Equatorial diameter excluding echini (LM) N/A 21–25 20–24 25–30 22–25 29–35 27–33
Equatorial diameter excluding echini (SEM) 32–34 21–23 21–23 25–27 21–25 28–34 27–32
Polar axis including echini (LM) 30–33 25–28 25–28 32–35 26–28 30–35 30–34
Polar axis including echini (SEM) 29–32 23–25 23–25 31–33 24–27 29–34 31–34
Polar axis excluding echini (LM) N/A 20–23 21–23 26–28 22–24 29–33 26–30
Polar axis excluding echini (SEM) 28–31 19–21 19–21 25–27 20–23 26–32 26–28
Aperture type and number Stephano(5-7)porate Stephano(5-6)porate Stephano(6-7)porate Stephano(7)porate Stephano(6-7)porate Stephano(6-7)porate Stephano(5-7)porate
Aperture position Pori often at irregular intervals, one or two pori can be positioned outside of the equator Pori at regular intervals, positioned at the equator Pori at regular intervals, positioned at the equator Pori at regular intervals, positioned at the equator Pori at regular intervals, positioned at the equator Pori at regular intervals, positioned at the equator Pori at regular intervals, positioned at the equator
Aperture diameter (SEM) 2.5–4.5 2.5–3.5 2.5–4.0 3.5–5.0 2.5–3.5 3.0–5.5 3.5–4.5
Exine thickness (LM) 1.2–1.3 1.2–1.5 1.1–1.2 1.6–1.7 1.1–1.5 1.4–1.6 1.3–1.8
Pollen wall (SEM) Tectate Tectate Tectate Tectate Tectate Tectate Tectate
Sculpture (LM) Echinate Echinate Echinate Echinate Echinate Echinate Echinate
Sculpture (SEM) Microechinate; granulate and perforate in areas between echini Echinate; nanogemmate to nanorugulate in areas between echini Echinate; nanogemmate to granulate in areas between echini Echinate; nanogemmate to nanorugulate in areas between echini Echinate; nanogemmate to granulate in areas between echini Echinate; fossulate, perforate and nanogemmate in areas between echini Echinate; nanogemmate to granulate in areas between echini
Number of echini in central polar area (SEM) 30–45 per 100 µm2 5–11 per 100 µm2 9–13 per 100 µm2 3–7 per 100 µm2 9–12 per 100 µm2 15–30 per 100 µm2 3–7 per 100 µm2
Echini height (SEM) 0.7–1.3 3.0–4.5 2.0–3.5 3.0–4.5 2.0–3.0 1.0–2.0 3.0–4.5
Aperture membrane (SEM) Nanoechinate, nanogemmate and granulate Nanogemmate to nanorugulate Nanogemmate to granulate Nanogemmate to nanorugulate Nanogemmate to granulate Nanogemmate Nanogemmate to granulate
Pollen Type 3 2 2 2 2 1 2
Oldfieldia africana Oldfieldia dactylophylla Oldfieldia somalensis Piranhea longepedunculata Piranhea trifoliata Stachyandra merana Tetracoccus fasciculatus Voatamalo eugenioides
Spheroidal to slightly oblate Spheroidal to slightly oblate Spheroidal to slightly oblate Spheroidal to slightly oblate Spheroidal to slightly oblate Spheroidal to oblate Spheroidal to oblate Spheroidal to slightly oblate
Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Elliptic to circular to slightly angular Circular Circular
30–34 32–38 30–37 27–30 25–31 32–40 31–35 35–38
26–36 28–34 28–35 25–29 24–29 33–38 30–33 28–37
25–29 27–34 25–30 24–27 24–29 N/A 30–33 28–33
22–29 22–27 22–28 22–24 21–26 31–36 28–30 22–31
28–30 31–35 28–32 25–28 24–28 33–35 29–31 32–35
26–28 27–32 29–31 21–24 23–26 33–35 27–28 28–31
23–25 25–28 23–27 22–25 22–25 N/A 27–30 27–32
22–24 21–25 23–25 20–22 21–23 32–34 25–26 23–26
Stephano(6-8)porate Stephano(7-8)porate Stephano(6-8)porate Stephano(6-7)porate Stephano(6-7)porate Stephano(4-6)porate Stephano(6)porate Stephano(6-7)porate
Pori at regular intervals, positioned at the equator Pori at regular intervals, positioned at the equator Pori at regular intervals, positioned at the equator Pori at regular intervals, positioned at the equator Pori at regular intervals, positioned at the equator Pori often at irregular intervals, one or two pori can be positioned outside of the equator Pori at regular intervals, positioned at the equator Pori at regular intervals, positioned at the equator
3.0–4.0 3.0–3.5 3.0–4.5 3.6–4.4 3.3–4.2 2.5–4.5 3.0–4.4 2.5–4.0
1.6–1.9 1.5–1.8 1.5–1.7 1.7–2.0 1.7–2.0 1.1–1.3 2.0–2.5 1.3–1.6
Tectate Tectate Tectate Tectate Tectate Tectate Tectate Tectate
Echinate Echinate Echinate Echinate Echinate Echinate Echinate Echinate
Echinate; nanogemmate to nanorugulate in areas between echini Echinate; nanogemmate to nanorugulate to granulate in areas between echini Echinate; nanogemmate to nanorugulate in areas between echini Echinate; fossulate, perforate and nanogemmate in areas between echini Echinate; fossulate, perforate and nanogemmate in areas between echini Microechinate; granulate and perforate in areas between echini Echinate; nanogemmate to granulate, perforate in areas between echini Echinate; nanogemmate to nanorugulate in areas between echini
8–12 per 100 µm2 6–8 per 100 µm2 6–9 per 100 µm2 12–16 per 100 µm2 13–20 per 100 µm2 30–45 per 100 µm2 20–25 per 100 µm2 6–11 per 100 µm2
2.0–4.0 3.0–4.0 2.5–3.5 1.6–2.6 1.6–2.7 0.7–1.2 1.1–2.2 2.5–4.0
Nanogemmate to nanorugulate Nanogemmate to nanorugulate to granulate Nanogemmate to nanorugulate Nanogemmate Nanogemmate Nanoechinate, nanogemmate and granulate Nanogemmate to granulate Nanogemmate to nanorugulate
2 2 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A 2

Note: All measurements include only those from this study and are given in µm. Most diagnostic features appear in bold font. N/A = not applicable.