Adults |
Non-communicable diseases and risk factors |
Did not have a blood pressure measurement in the last year (N = 216) |
136 |
63.0 |
Did not have a glucose measurement in the last year (N = 209) |
174 |
83.3 |
Consumed fruits less than twice per week (N = 222) |
152 |
68.5 |
Eye health |
Never had an eye examination (N = 234) |
179 |
76.5 |
Difficulty seeing/recognising a face within 6 m in the last year (N = 234) |
104 |
44.4 |
Communicable diseases |
Had never heard about tuberculosis (N = 223) |
121 |
54.3 |
Had never heard about HIV/AIDS (N = 230) |
156 |
67.8 |
Oral health |
Never had a dental examination (N = 232) |
84 |
36.2 |
Never had information about dental care (N = 232) |
131 |
56.5 |
Mental Health |
Self-report of anhedonia or sadness (N = 226) |
153 |
67.7 |
Knowledge or Cancer Prevention |
Had never heard about cancer (N = 105) |
75 |
71.4 |
Never had a mammography (N = 105) |
75 |
71.4 |
Never had a pap smear (N = 105) |
82 |
78.1 |
Contraception |
Had never heard about fallopian tubal ligation (N = 85) |
57 |
67.1 |
Had never heard about oral contraceptive pills (N = 85) |
39 |
45.9 |
Had never heard about the male condom (N = 85) |
28 |
32.9 |
Had never heard about the morning-after pill (N = 85) |
57 |
67.1 |
Hadnever used contraception (N = 85) |
60 |
70.6 |
Children |
Eye health |
Never had an eye examination (N = 63) |
29 |
46.0 |
Inadequate lighting forreading (N = 44) |
16 |
36.4 |
Oral health |
Never had a dental examination (N = 122) |
47 |
38.5 |
Have never had information about dental care (N = 122) |
41 |
33.6 |
Mental health |
Corporal punishment by a teacher in the last month (N = 46) |
11 |
23.9 |
Physical violence by another student in the last month (N = 46) |
15 |
33.3 |