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. 2019 Jan 1;2019:2989048. doi: 10.1155/2019/2989048

Table 1.

Clinical characteristics, response, and toxicity profile of patients.

Patient Age/sex Cancer and stage PD-L1 expression. Other mutation Previous lines of therapy Best response Length of therapy Toxicity (grade) Alive or dead
1 57/F Lung SCC IV <1% Carbo Tax 2
AT - 3 doses

2 40/M Lung ADC IV NA Carbo Tax 3 then Nivo 1 NA NA D(sepsis)

3 62/M Lung SCC II NA Lobectomy then Cis Docetaxel 1 then Carbo Tax 1 then Nivo 10 SD 28 weeks. stopped due to pneumonitis Pneumonitis (3) Alive

4 45/M Lung ADC IV NA
Carbo Alimta 4 then Alimta 4 then Nivo 10 PR 24 and ongoing Colitis (2)
Rash (1)

5 45/F Lung ADC IV <1% Carbo Alimta 4 then Alimta 13 then Nivo 17 then Docetaxel PR 34 weeks Alive

6 56/M Lung SCC IV NA Pembro 6 then Carbo Tax 2 SD 16 weeks D(PD)

7 55/M Lung ADC IV 20%
HER 2 Neu
Carbo Alimta 4 then Alimta 3 then Pembro 7 then Trastu + Pertuzumab SD 22 weeks Fatigue (1)

8 60/M Lung ADC IV NA Carbo Alimta 4 then Alimta 10 then Nivo 8 PR 16 and ongoing Elevated TSH alive

9 58/M Lung mixed IV NA Cis Etopo x5 then Nivo 5 PD NA D(PD)

10 48/M Lung ADC IV 90%
Erlotinib 5 months then Pembro 2 PD NA D(PD)

11 40/F Anal SCC IV NA Chemo RT hen CarboTax 5 then Nivo 1 NA NA D (PD)

12 54/M Anal SCC IV NA Mitomycin Xeloda then Nivo 13 PD 26 weeks Hypothyroidism D(PD)

13 43/M HCC III NA Regorafinib 24 then Nivo 12 SD 25 weeks Fatigue (1) D(PD)

14 44/M HCC IV NA RFA, TACE hen Soafenib 3 months then Nivo 12 PR 25 and ongoing Hyperglycemia, Hypothyroidism Alive

15 59/M RCC III NA Sorafenib then Sunitinib then Everolimus the Nivo 11 then Axitinib SD 22 weeks Elevated TSH D(sepsis)

16 42/M DLBCL IV NA RCHOP then RICE PBSCT then Nivo 10 then Rev Rtux 1 PD 22 weeks D(PD)

17 56/M Invasive basal NA Vsmodegib 6 then Nivo 10 PR 24 weeks and ongoing Elevated TSH alive

Abbreviations: SCC: squamous cell cancer. ADC: adenocarcinoma. RCC: renal cell cancer. HCC: hepatocellular cancer. DLBCL: diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Nivo: Nivolumab. Pembro: Pembrolizumab. AT: Atezolizumab. NA: not available. SD: stable disease. PR: partial response. PD: progressive disease. Carbo Tax: Carboplatin and Paclitaxel. Cis: Cisplatin. Trastu: Trastuzumab. Cis Etopo: Cisplatin Etoposide. RT: Radiation therapy. RFA: radiofrequency ablation. RCHOP: Rituximab, Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin, Oncovin, Prednisone. RICE: Rituximab, Ifosfamide, Carboplatin, Etoposide. SCT: stem cell transplant. RR: Rituximab, Revlimid. D: Dead.