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. 2018 Jun 11;178(8):1016–1022. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2018.1898

Table 1. Summary of Required Precaution Practicesa.

Precaution Type Common Disease Gloves Use Gown Use Mask Use Eye Protection (Mask/Goggles) Use Equipment Handling Hand Hygiene Performance
Contact MRSA, scabies, VRE, CRE When entering room For contact with patient or environment, or when entering room NA NA Disinfect before removing from room, or use dedicated equipment When entering or leaving room
Contact enteric Clostridium difficile, norovirus When entering room For contact with patient or environment, or when entering room NA NA Disinfect with bleach before removing from room, or use dedicated equipment When entering room; use soap and water before exiting room
Droplet Influenza, meningococcus, pertussis When entering room, or if anticipating contact with secretions For contact with patient or environment, or if anticipating contact with bodily fluids When entering room, or within 3 ft of patient Within 3 ft of patient, or if contact with secretions likely Disinfect before removing from room, or use dedicated equipment When entering and leaving room
Standard All patients For contact with bodily fluids If anticipating soiling of clothing with bodily fluids During procedures likely to generate droplets of bodily fluids During procedures likely to generate droplets of bodily fluids No special action Before and after patient contact

Abbreviations: CRE, carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; NA, not applicable; VRE, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus.


There were some differences in how certain precautions were applied across sites.