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. 2012 Aug 27;4(3):182–189. doi: 10.1111/j.1757-7861.2012.00193.x

Table 1.

Case reports of pulmonary cement embolism (PCE) after vertebral augmentation in retrieved literature

Author/Publication date Operation level and operation indication Clinical manifestation When manifestation presented/when PE was detected Cement migration Management Outcome
Tozzi et al.23 (2002) T11 fracture (PVP) Developed respiratory distress, renal failure, a mean pulmonary artery pressure of 48 mm Hg, right cardiac failure At the end of the PVP procedure Perivertebral venous system, IVC, both Pas Noninvasive ventilatory support, inotropic agents, heparin, pulmonary embolectomy Recovered from respiratory and cardiac failure
Jang et al.48 (2002) T6, T9, T10, T11, L1, L2 CF (PVP) Chemical odor of solvent in the patient's mouth and nausea, mild dyspnea, chest discomfort During cement injection PA Delayed injection, oxygen inhalation and anticoagulants Dyspnea regressed
Katrien et al.43 (2003) T11 CF (PVP) Mild dyspnea, reduced blood flow to the right lower lobe 2 days after the procedure Right PA Intravenous heparin, catheter procedure and open‐heart operation, oral anticoagulant therapy Uneventful recovery
Bernhard et al.51 (2003) T10, 11, L1 CFs (PVP) Denied any respiratory symptoms 6 months later Both lungs Discharged
Kim et al.24 (2005) T8 fracture (PVP) Severe chest pain, hemopericardium, cardiac perforation 7 days after the PVP Azygous vein, RA and RV, PA Open heart surgery for hemopericardium and cement removal Discharged
Seo et al.57 (2005) L1, 2 CFs (PVP) Palpable mass on the subareolar of the left chest wall 2 years after the PVP IVC, RA, right PA Right atriotomy and inferior vena cavotomy
Chung et al.29 (2006) L1 CF (PVP) Impaired renal function During operation Both renal vessels Treated conservatively Discharged with BUN to Cr returned to normal
Freitag et al.49 (2006) L1‐L5 OVCFs (PVP) A sudden onset of arrhythmia, hypotension (BP, 65/30 mm Hg), oxygen desaturation (SpO2, 91%) During cement injection Left inferior lobe PA Stopped injection, intravenous unfractionated high‐dose heparin, further observation in ICU Discharged on oral anticoagulant
Abdul et al.42 (2007) T11, 12 OVCFs (PVP) Dyspnea, chest pain, increased D‐dimers level, ventilation‐perfusion mismatch 3 days after discharge Paravertebral venous system, both lungs Low‐molecular‐weight heparin, Enoxaparin and Anti‐Xa Rapid resolution of dyspnea and chest pain
Lim et al.25 (2007) L2, 5 CF (PVP) Mild dyspnea and edema lasting 4 weeks, ventilation‐perfusion mismatch 5 years after the procedure IVC, right hepatic vein, RA, left PA Anticoagulation, open‐heart surgery for atrial thrombectomy An uneventful recovery
Lim et al.45 (2008) T12, L1 CF (PVP) Chest pain, dyspnea, cardiac perforation, pericardial effusion 2 months after T12 PVP and 9 days after L1 PVP Right upper lung and RV Pericardial collection aspiration, cement removal, repair of right ventricular wall Experienced no sequelae
Son et al.26 (2008) L1, 2, 4 CF (PVP) Chest pain and tightness, hemopericardium, severe tricuspid regurgitation, cardiac tamponade 5 days after the procedure ICV, RV Emergent operation for cement removal and suture of perforated right ventricle, tricuspid annuloplasty Recovery without any complication and discharged
Cadeddu et al.52 (2009) T12, L2 OVCFs (PVP) Asymptomatic 2 years after the procedure RA and RV, left PA Right cardiac catheterism Failed removal of cement
Braiteh et al.44 (2009) L3 CF (PVP) Intermittent precordial chest pain and palpitation 5 months after the operation RA and RV Endovascular procedure for foreign body retrieve Symptoms relieved
Caynak et al.46 (2009) T4, 9 CF (PVP) Progressive dyspnea, chest discomfort, hemodynamic unstability, cardiac tamponade by pericardial collection 2 months after operation Azygous veins, both PAs, RA and RV Anticoagulation, pulmonary physiotherapy, emergent operation for hemorrhagic fluid drain and cement particles removal Favorable outcome
Radcliff et al.60 (2010) L2 CF (PKP) Shortness of breath symptoms with productive cough 28 days after PKP Right PA Conservative management Discharged with no further exacerbation

BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CF, compression fracture; IVC, inferior vena cava; OVCF, osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture; PA, pulmonary artery; PVP, percutaneous vertebroplasty; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle.