Treatments are reported in order of acceptability ranking according to surface under the cumulative ranking curves. Comparisons between treatments should be read from left to right, and the estimate is in the cell in common between the column-defining treatment and the row-defining treatment. Efficacy at end of follow-up values are given as mean overall change in symptoms (standardized mean differences [SMDs]); SMDs of less than 0 favor the column-defining treatment. For quality of life and functional improvement at post-treatment, SMDs more than 0 favor the row-defining treatment. Data in parentheses represent 95% credible intervals. To obtain SMDs for comparisons in the opposite direction, negative values should be converted into positive values, and vice versa. Significant results are set in boldface. Bib-CBT indicates bibliotherapy cognitive behavioral therapy; ellipsis, no data about efficacy; G-BT, group BT without cognitive restructuring; G-CBT, group CBT; G/P-CBT, group CBT with parental involvement; I-CBT, individual CBT; I/G-BT, individual and group BT; I/G-CBT, individual and group CBT; Int-CBT, Internet-assisted CBT; I/P-BT, individual BT with parental involvement; I/P-CBT, individual CBT with parental involvement; NT, no treatment; PBO, psychological placebo; P-CBT, parent-only CBT; TAU, treatment as usual; and WL, wait list.