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. 2018 Oct 22;178(12):1597–1606. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2018.4357

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics According to Quartiles of the Organic Food Score, NutriNet-Santé Cohort, France, 2009 to 2016.

Characteristic Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 P Valuea
Organic food score, mean (SD), range, 0-32 points 0.72 (0.82) 4.95 (1.41) 10.36 (1.69) 19.36 (4.28) <.001
Participants, No. 16 831 17 644 17 240 17 231 NA
Age, mean (SD), y 42.99 (15.24) 43.31 (14.78) 44.72 (14.30) 45.89 (13.37) <.001
Female, % 74.2 78.2 78.7 80.9 <.001
Month of inclusion, mean (SD)b 6.08 (2.56) 6.11 (2.57) 6.10 (2.74) 5.99 (2.93) .002
Occupational status, %
Unemployed 5.9 5.7 5.6 6.3 <.001
Student 9.5 9.3 7.3 4.6
Self-employed, farmer 1.6 1.7 1.7 2.5
Employee, manual worker 24.4 20.6 17.4 14.9
Intermediate professions 16.3 17.6 17.8 18.8
Managerial staff, intellectual profession 17.8 21.6 25.9 29.1
Retired 19.0 17.9 18.9 17.8
Never employed 5.5 5.6 5.4 6.1
Educational level, %
Unidentified 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.8 <.001
<High school diploma 22.8 19.4 16.4 14.4
High school diploma 19.7 17.4 15.7 13.7
Postsecondary graduate 56.9 62.6 67.4 71.1
Marital status, %
Cohabiting 79.6 80.6 81.8 85.3 <.001
Monthly income per household unit, €, %c
<1200 20.7 17.0 14.0 13.2 <.001
1200 to 1800 26.9 25.3 22.9 23.5
>1800 to 2700 21.2 23.3 24.7 25.6
>2700 18.8 22.4 27.6 28.2
Unwilling to answer 12.4 12.0 10.8 9.5
Physical activity, %d
Low, <30 min of brisk walking per day or equivalent 24.0 20.8 19.0 17.2 .03
Moderate, 30 to <60 min of brisk walking per day or equivalent 33.7 37.3 38.8 40.6
High, ≥60 min of brisk walking per day or equivalent 26.8 27.3 29.5 31.3
Missing data 15.5 14.5 12.7 11.0
Smoking status, %
Never smoker 52.0 51.9 50.2 49.4 <.001
Former smoker 31.6 31.9 34.5 36.8
Current smoker 16.4 16.2 15.3 13.8
Alcohol intake, mean (SD), g/d 8.34 (13.84) 8.18 (13.11) 8.17 (12.19) 7.54 (11.30)
Family history of cancer, % 33.8 34.5 36.8 38.6 <.001
BMI, mean (SD) 24.46 (4.92) 23.92 (4.63) 23.64 (4.32) 22.92 (3.89) <.001
Height, mean (SD), cm 166.91 (8.27) 166.58 (8.05) 166.54 (8.11) 166.40 (7.98) <.001
Energy intake, mean (SD), kcal/de 1881.71 (493.19) 1855.10 (469.03) 1848.42 (474.71) 1841.24 (464.11) <.001
mPNNS-GS, mean (SD) 7.41 (1.72) 7.70 (1.71) 7.95 (1.71) 8.19 (1.69) <.001
Fiber intake, mean (SD), g/d 17.88 (6.55) 18.87 (6.84) 20.05 (7.20) 22.60 (8.31) <.001
Processed meat intake, mean (SD), g/d 23.67 (29.40) 21.15 (27.12) 18.85 (24.92) 15.12 (22.49) <.001
Red meat intake, mean (SD), g/d 48.72 (44.51) 44.59 (41.44) 40.77 (40.67) 31.44 (36.81) <.001
Parity, mean (SD)f 1.26 (1.26) 1.27 (1.23) 1.34 (1.23) 1.41 (1.21) <.001
Postmenopausal status, %f 16.6 19.3 22.4 24.7 <.001
Use of hormonal treatment for menopause, %f 4.0 4.6 5.0 4.9 .01
Use of oral contraception, %f 24.7 23.2 19.1 14.0 <.001

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared); mPNNS-GS, Programme National Nutrition Santé Guideline Score without the physical activity component; NA, not applicable; Q, quartile.


P value based on linear trend for continuous variables or Mantel-Haenszel χ2 test for categorical variables.


This category indicates the month of the year during which the particpant was included.


In 2018 US dollars, the monetary ranges are “less than $1377.46,” “$1377.46 to $2066.18,” “greater than $2066.18 to $3099.28,” and “greater than $3099.28.”


Physical activity levels assessed using the French short form of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire self-administered online.


Energy intake without alcohol.


For women.