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. 2019 Mar 20;76(7):721–729. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2019.0169

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics for the BMI and Internalizing Symptoms and Their Co-occurrence at Each Time Pointa.

Variable Full Sample Boys Girls
No. Mean (SD) Obese or High Internalizing, No. (%)b Obese and High Internalizing, No. (%) No. Mean (SD) Obese or High Internalizing, No. (%)b Obese and High Internalizing, No. (%) No. Mean (SD) Obese or High Internalizing, No. (%)b Obese and High Internalizing, No. (%)
Age, y
3 14 317 16.85 (2.04) 650 (4.5) 30 (4.9)c 7240 17.00 (2.14) 332 (4.6) 15 (4.8)c 7077 16.70 (1.93) 318 (4.5) 15 (5.1)c
5 14 949 16.36 (1.90) 864 (5.8) 49 (6.0)c 7635 16.40 (1.91) 409 (5.4) 26 (6.7)c 7314 16.33 (1.88) 455 (6.2) 23 (5.3)c
7 13 414 16.66 (2.36) 814 (6.1) 80 (10.1)c 6799 16.6 (2.32) 365 (5.4) 40 (11.2)c 6615 16.71 (2.40) 449 (6.8) 40 (9.2)c
11 12 801 19.25 (3.66) 855 (6.7) 137 (17.9)c 6484 19.05 (3.55) 412 (6.4) 72 (19.4)c 6317 19.47 (3.76) 443 (7.0) 65 (16.5)c
14 10 767 21.47 (4.14) 814 (7.6) 137 (19.8)c 5478 20.95 (4.04) 403 (7.4) 57 (16.6)c 5289 22.00 (4.18) 411 (7.8) 80 (22.9)c
Internalizing Symptoms
Age, y
3 14 694 1.38 (1.52) 655 (4.5) 30 (5.1)d 7497 1.38 (1.52) 324 (4.3) 15 (5.2)d 7197 1.38 (1.52) 331 (4.6) 15 (4.9)d
5 14 694 1.40 (1.6) 823 (5.6) 49 (6.2)d 7514 1.37 (1.61) 417 (5.6) 26 (6.5)d 7180 1.43 (1.59) 406 (5.7) 23 (5.8)d
7 13 401 1.54 (1.78) 1024 (7.6) 80 (8.1)d 6819 1.51 (1.81) 543 (8.0) 40 (7.7)d 6582 1.56 (1.74) 481 (7.3) 40 (8.6)d
11 11 822 1.87 (2.00) 1316 (11.1) 137 (11.0)d 5943 1.81 (2.00) 643 (10.8) 72 (11.9)d 5879 1.93 (1.99) 673 (11.5) 65 (10.1)d
14 10 123 2.04 (2.14) 1369 (13.5) 137 (11.2)d 5065 1.75 (2.02) 545 (10.8) 57 (11.6)d 5058 2.33 (2.22) 824 (16.3) 80 (10.9)d
SR symptoms at 14 y of age 11 190 5.52 (5.85) 1731 (15.5) 166 (9.6)d 5539 4.03 (4.57) 456 (8.2) 47 (10.3)d 5551 6.99 (6.57) 1275 (22.6) 119 (10.3)d

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared); SR, self-reported.


Descriptive estimates are presented for available participants at each time point without accounting for survey design weights and sample attrition in these estimates.


The number (percentage) of obese participants is given under the BMI heading and was determined using the International Obesity Taskforce thresholds for children; the number (percentage) of participants with high internalizing symptoms is given under the Internalizing Symptoms heading, showing children above the established clinical cutoff for the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.


Of those who are classified as obese based on BMI.


Of those with above cutoff levels of internalizing symptoms.