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. 2019 May 10;3:PO.18.00283. doi: 10.1200/PO.18.00283

FIG 1.

FIG 1.

Genomic characterization of primary and metastatic site prostate tumors. (A) The frequency of genomic alterations (GAs) identified in tumors from 3,476 patients with prostate cancer. Genes altered in 2% or more of cases are shown. (B) Frequency of major pathway alterations, including ETS fusions, BRAF rearrangements/mutations, SPOP/CUL3 mutations, CDK12 GAs, IDH1/2 mutations, AR GAs, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway GAs, homologous recombination GAs, G1/S-cell cycle GAs, WNT pathway GAs, Fanconi anemia/interstrand crosslink repair (FA/ICL) repair pathway GAs, RAS/RAF/MEK pathway GAs (other than BRAF), mismatch repair GAs, and POLE mutations (see Figs 1C to 1F for details). Each column represents a single patient sample, and samples that harbored an alteration in each pathway are indicated in black. (C to F) GAs identified in each pathway, including the (C) PI3K/AKT/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway, (D) G1/S-cell cycle pathway, (E) WNT pathway, and (F) RAS/RAF/MEK pathway (NF1 mutation, rearrangement, or copy number loss; BRAF or RAF1 mutations or rearrangements; ARAF, K/N/H-RAS, or MAP2K1/2 mutations were included); percent of altered cases is indicated. (G) Comparison of alteration frequencies for each gene in primary site samples versus metastatic site samples. The dotted line represents a 1:1 relationship. Genes that were enriched (difference between primary site v metastatic site frequency) by at least 2% are indicated (all P < .05 by Fisher’s exact test [two-tailed]), with genes enriched at least twofold indicated in red (all P < .001 by Fisher’s exact test [two-tailed]). Details are listed in Appendix Table A3. indel, insertion/deletion.