Table 1. Domains measured by the Criteria for Determining Severe Problem Behavior (CDSPB) and their operational definitions.
No | Domains | Operational definition | 1 Point | 3 Points | 5 Points |
1 | Severe self-injury | Self-injury to such an extent that a) the flesh can be seen or b) the head becomes deformed | 1–2 times weekly | 1–2 times daily | Throughout the day |
2 | Severe aggression | Aggression that causes injury to others, such as by means of biting, kicking, punching, pulling hair, or head thrusting |
1–2 times monthly | 1–2 times weekly | Several times a day |
3 | Severe stereotyped/restricted behaviors | Stereotyped/restricted behaviors that cannot be stopped even when others intervene; examples include a) removing one’s clothes, despite strong instructions to the contrary, b) refusing to go out, and c) returning to places that might be hundreds of meters away in order to pick up something |
1–2 times weekly | 1–2 times daily | Several times a day |
4 | Severe propertydestruction | Destruction of property in such a manner that it is hazardous to him/her and the surroundings; examples include a) breaking glass, furniture, doors, cups, or glasses, and b) tearing one’s clothes |
1–2 times monthly | 1–2 times weekly | Several times a day |
5 | Severe sleepdisturbances | Disrupted sleep cycles and an inability to stay in bed, which results in aggression towards others or destruction of property |
1–2 times monthly | 1–2 times weekly | Nearly every day |
6 | Severe feedingproblem | a) overeating, b) repeated regurgitation of food, c) eating nonnutritive, nonfood substances (e.g., feces, spike nails, stones), or d) avoidant/restrictive food intake |
1–2 times weekly | Nearly every day | Nearly every day |
7 | Severe problems in elimination | a) Kneading, throwing, and smearing feces, and b) repeated compulsive voiding of urine or feces |
1–2 times monthly | 1–2 times weekly | Nearly every day |
8 | Extremehyperactivity | a) Jumping around in a manner that poses danger to the body and/or life, b) running around when not under direct supervision, or c) climbing onto dangerous and high structures such as balcony handrails |
1–2 times monthly | 1–2 times weekly | Nearly every day |
9 | Unbearable screaming and crying | a) Unbearable screaming, and b) crying/wailing that lasts for hours |
Nearly every day | Througout the day | Constantly |
10 | Sustained intensepanic | Sustained bouts of intense panic that cannot be calmed by others | (Mark if applicable) | ||
11 | Explosive tantrums | Exhibiting explosive behaviors when others warn him/her, even when it pertains to trivial issues that occur in daily life | (Mark if applicable) |