Table 1.
First author (year) [ref.] |
Country | No. of pts | Inclusion period | TNM stage |
Methods | Cut-off | FGFR2 amplification (%) | Tumor depth (pT3-4) (yes : no) |
LN metastasis (yes : no) |
Differentiation (PD or UD) (yes : no) |
NOS score |
Jung (2012) 19 |
Korea | 313 | 2004 | I-IV | FISH | FGFR2/CEP10 > 2 | 14 (4.5%) | 10 (71%) : 159 (53%) p = 0.032 |
12 (86%) : 168 (56%) p = 0.038 |
9 (64%) : 160 (54%) p = 0.452 |
8 |
Matsumoto (2012) 20 |
Japan | 267 | 1996-2006 | I-IV | RT-qPCR or FISH | ≥ 5 copies or FGFR2/CEP10 ≥ 2 |
11 (4.1%) | 11 (100%) : 198 (77%) p = 0.16 |
NA | NA | 8 |
Betts (2014) 21 |
UK | 171 | 1995-2004 | I-IV | FISH | FGFR2/CEN10 ≥ 2 | 3 (1.8%) | NA | NA | NA | 8 |
Das (2014) 22 |
Singapore | 137 | 1997-2012 | I-IV | FISH | FGFR2/CEN10 ≥ 2 | 10 (7.3%) | 4 (50%) : 42 (46%) | 7 (88%) : 67 (73%) | 8 (89%) : 58 (64%) | 7 |
Shoji (2015) 23 |
Japan | 61 | 2005-2013 | IV | FISH | FGFR2/CEP10 > 2 or tight gene clusters in > 10% of tumor cells |
7 (11.5%) | NA | 7 (100%) : 31 (57%) p = 0.04 |
NA | 7 |
Su (2014) 24 |
China, Korea, UK |
197 356 408 |
2007-2010 1996 1970-2004 |
I-IV | FISH | FGFR2/CEP10 ≥ 2 or gene clusters in > 10% of tumor cells |
9 (4.6%) 15 (4.2%) 30 (7.4%) |
29 (54%) : 475 (52%) p = 0.567 |
50 (93%) : 602 (66%) p = 0.000012 |
43 (80%) : 525 (58%) p = 0.0176 |
8 |
Tokunaga (2016) 25 |
Japan | 140 | 2000-2014 | I-IV | RT-qPCR | > 3 copies | 21 (15%) | 13 (62%) : 63 (53%) p = 0.689 |
12 (57%) : 53 (45%) p = 0.286 |
4 (19%) : 39 (33%) p = 0.305 |
7 |
Seo (2017) 26 |
Korea | 327 | 2006-2014 | IIIB-IV | RT-qPCR | ≥ 8 copies | 16 (4.9%) | NA | NA | 14 (88%) : 190 (62%) p = 0.041 |
8 |
FGFR, fibroblast growth factor receptor; FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization; RT-qPCR, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction; pts, patients; PD, poor differentiation; UD, undifferentiation; NOS, Newcastle-Ottawa System; NA, not available.